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It's also available on Amazon and Kindle.
From the back cover:
In this book, Dr. Boyd
hopes that those who experience pain and suffering at the Masses offered at
their parishes will find some solace in knowing that they are not the only ones!
It is helpful to recognize that we are not alone in the battle to have
liturgies properly celebrated. The pain and suffering is real,
and it is justified by the fact that the Church has shown us clearly how the
Mass – whether the old form or the new form – should be celebrated. We are not
wrong or “divisive" if we voice objections and concern when the rubrics of
the Mass are ignored or altered to suit the personality of the celebrant or, in
some cases, the “liturgy committee”. Whether the abuses and missteps are
intentional or made through ignorance, the pain and suffering of those who
desire good liturgy is legitimate, and deserves to be heeded.
Dr. Boyd also wants to
encourage those who suffer through Mass to cling to the hope that brighter
liturgical days are ahead. To that end, included at the end of each section of
the book are a few “Glimmers of Hope”. All is not lost! The gates of Hell will
not prevail! Hope springs eternal!
From the “Epilogue”:
Hope Springs Eternal
I am not a Bible scholar
by any means, but it seems to me that we may find a source of solace and hope
in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, where the story is told of the rebuilding of
the temple at Jerusalem. In a sense, those who are struggling against “bad
liturgy” and fighting to reinstate the extraordinary form of the Mass are
attempting to rebuild the “temple” that is our Faith. The Eucharist is, after
all, the source and summit of our faith (Lumen Gentium, 11), and
when the celebration of Mass is deficient, it can only lead to a deficient
faith. Many writers and speakers have noted the truth of this statement: the
increase in abuses of the liturgy, especially in the Novus Ordo,
certainly seems to correlate with a decline in the markers of a robust faith,
such as vocations to the priesthood and religious life, attendance at Mass by
the lay faithful, and fidelity to the teachings of the Church by bishops,
priests, and laity.
In the book of Ezra, we
see the beginning of the account of the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem.
The reigning non-Jewish monarch, King Cyrus, actually commanded it, and the
Israelites began the work in good faith. Soon, however, naysayers undermined the
project; first, they offered to join in and help, saying “for we seek your God
just as you do” (Ezra 4:2). They were only seeking to undermine the project
from within, though; and when the Israelites declined their help, the
Samaritans then “set out to intimidate and dishearten the people of Judah so as
to keep them from building. They also suborned counselors to work against them
and thwart their plans” (Ezra 4:5). Finally, the enemies of the Jews succeeded
in persuading a later king to put a halt to the rebuilding.
Years went by with no
work being done, but it would seem that the Israelites did not give up hope;
they finally began to build again when some bold Israelites listened to the
words of their prophets. When questioned by the local authorities, they
insisted on their right to rebuild, and noted that a previous king had given
permission; after a review of the past documents, the reigning monarch allowed
them to proceed. Then, in the book of Nehemiah, we are told of the rebuilding
of Jerusalem’s walls. Still the naysayers were fighting against the completion
of the work; Nehemiah himself cries out, “Take note, O our God, how we were
mocked! Turn back their derision on their own heads and let them be carried
away to a land of captivity! Hide not their crime and let not their sin be
blotted out in your sight, for they insulted the builders to their face!”
(Nehemiah 3:36-37)
The opposition grew to
the point of physical attacks on the workers, at which point Nehemiah tells us,
“From that time on, however, only half my able men took a hand in the work,
while the other half, armed with spears, bucklers, bows, and breastplates,
stood guard behind the whole house of Judah as they rebuilt the wall” (Nehemiah
4:10). There were plots against Nehemiah’s life as well.
If you have been one of
the faithful who is trying to “rebuild the temple” of our faith through
fidelity to the liturgical rubrics, I’m sure you see the similarities
between your own battle and the battle fought by the Jews as they rebuilt the
temple at Jerusalem! Not only are we rebuilding the temple, but we are
rebuilding the wall – the wall that separates our faith from the secular
influences that lead away from the truths of the Faith and down the slippery
slope of moral relativism, which a number of popes have warned against. Indeed,
the physical rebuilding of the temple was not the only “rebuilding” that took
place. Chapter 8 of Nehemiah describes how Ezra was called upon by the people
to “bring forth the book of the law of Moses which the Lord prescribed for
Israel” (Nehemiah 8:1). And far from complaining about a long service, the
people stood and listened as Ezra read “from daybreak till midday”!
The book of Ezra also
recounts that the people had not been faithful to the laws of the faith: “…they
have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons, and
thus they have desecrated the holy race with the peoples of the land.
Furthermore, the leaders and rulers have taken a leading part in this
apostasy!" (Ezra 9:2). I think we can see parallels here with our own
culture – not necessarily with regard to the specific issue of Catholics
marrying outside the Church, but with the “marriage” of our Faith to the errors
of our secular society. Our Catholic Faith has been desecrated by this, and
indeed, even some of our shepherds have taken a part in the watering down of
Catholic precepts.
The battle for the
rebuilding of Jerusalem was long and hard, and fraught with peril, but the
people did not lose hope. Nor should we! The Israelites persevered in their
mission and task, and so should we. It can be daunting to face the criticisms
and sometimes even calumny of one’s fellow parishioners, but it is important
that each one of us continue to respectfully request correction of liturgical
abuse. We have documents to support our endeavor, just as the Jewish people had
the document of a former monarch to justify their rebuilding of the temple at
Jerusalem – for instance, there is the instruction Redeptionis
Sacramentum (On certain matters to be observed or to be avoided
regarding the Most Holy Eucharist). And we must also insist on the
proper implementation of the changes mandated by Vatican II – and point out the
changes that have occurred that were not mandated and have
perhaps been harmful to the Church.

We have the favor of the
Holy Father, and so must press on with the rebuilding. There is reason for
[In the book, there is also the example of Archbishop Luigi Negri, who recently told the
faithful at an EF Mass, “…[Y]ou must try to get as many people as possible to
walk down this path of yours”; as well as Archbishop Alexander Sample, who, as
the bishop of the Diocese of Marquette, who worked hard at improving the
quality of liturgical music in his diocese via an article in the Diocesan newspaper and in a pastoral letter.]
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