Friday, July 3, 2015

Dominican Rite Retreat Opportunity

The Blessed Margaret of Castello Chapter of the Third Order of St. Dominic is based in Homedale, ID.  The group describes itself on its blog in this way:

We are a diverse community, united in the tradition of St. Dominic, joyfully obedient to the Word of God spoken in His Catholic Church. We accept willingly in faith the defined teachings of the Church's ordinary and universal magisterium. We acknowledge also our duty to adhere with religious assent to those teachings which are authoritatively, even if not infallibly, proposed by the Church [Lumen Gentium, 25]

The Chapter also announces its 11th annual Mary Magdalene Retreat to be held  July 17-19, 2015, at their chapter house in Homedale, Idaho. There will be presentations, Masses, Adoration, and good company. Fr Vincent Kelber, OP, Pastor of Holy Rosary Parish in Portland, OR, will be the Retreat Master.

Map and directions to chapter house:

For further information, contact

The Blessed Margaret of Castello Chapter has also established a “Dominican Rite Council”, the mission of which is to promote traditional Catholic worship, with an emphasis on the Dominican Rite of the Mass.

Participation is open to anyone interested in promoting the Traditional Mass. Please visit the Dominican Rite Council

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