Before we get into the rest of the consonants in Church
Latin, we will talk about two other matters. One is the fact that some of the
readers of this column may have had some Latin in school. If so, then you will
have to relearn some of the sounds. Classical Latin, that is, what Caesar
supposedly spoke, has different rules than Church Latin. For example, a “v” in
classical Latin is pronounced like a “w,” while it retains the “v” sound in
Church pronunciation.
If we use the Italian Church method, then the “h” is silent.
However, some orders, such as the Franciscans, that may have a heavy presence
in Northern Europe, will pronounce the “h.” We will not pronounce it, for the
purposes of this instruction. Thus, “hoc” is pronounced “ohk.” If you remember
that one rule, you will have the letter “h” covered for the future.
“J” (or as some would insist, an “I” used as a consonant) is
pronounced as if it were the consonant “y” in English. So the word “jam” – or
“iam” (meaning “now”) is said as if it were spelled phonetically “yahm.”
As previously mentioned, there is no “k” in Latin. The
letters, m, n, and p sound as they do in English, and “ph” is pronounced like
“f,” as English does. The letter “q” is always followed by “u” and sounds like
“kw,” just as in English.
The consonant “s” is what phonics terminology calls “voiceless” – i.e., it always sounds
like the “s” in “sing,” never like the “s” in “raise.” Combining “s” with other
consonants is more complex: e.g., “sc” before “a,” “o,” “u” or a consonant
always sounds like the “sc” in the English word “scope”. Before an “e” or an “i,”
“sc” is pronounced like “sh” in “shall.”
The letter “t” has some variations as well. When followed by “h,” the sound is as a hard
“t,” as in “ten.” When the combination
“ti” is followed by a vowel or preceded by any letter EXCEPT “s”, “t”, or “x”,
the “t” sounds like “tsee.” This is one of the hardest sounds to remember, but
we will give some practice with the combination in Latin words in the next
The consonant “x” sounds like “ks” in most cases, but in
words beginning with “ex” and followed by a vowel, an “h”, or an “s,” the “x”
sounds like “gs.”
That has taken us through the alphabet for Latin sounds.
Next week we will use common vocabulary words in the prayer of the Church to
illustrate the pronunciation given in the first three lessons.
Latin lessons I and II are on the "Latin" page.
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