A homily by Fr. Eric M. Andersen, Sacred Heart- St. Louis
in Gervais, Oregon (my emphases)
Nov 4th, 2012
Dominica XXXI Per Annum,
Anno B
“You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with
all your strength.”
Blessed Agnes of Langeac, a
French Dominican nun of the 17th century, was known, as prioress for
“recommending to her religious respect and fervor in their relations with God,
reminding them of these words of Holy Scripture, Accursed be he that doth
the work of God with negligence [Jeremiah 48]. A sister of the community
named Angelique died. The pious Superior was praying near her tomb, when she
suddenly saw the deceased sister before her, dressed in the religious habit;
she felt at the same time as though a flame of fire touched her face. Sister
Angelique thanked her for having stimulated her to fervor, and particularly for
having frequently made her repeat during life these words, Accursed be he
that doth the work of God with negligence. “Continue Mother,” she added,
“to urge the sisters to fervor; let them serve God with the utmost diligence,
love Him with their whole heart, and with all the power of their soul. If they
could but understand how rigorous are
the torments of Purgatory, they would never be guilty of the least neglect”
(Schouppe, Purgatory, pp. 137-138).
If they could but
understand… they would never be guilty of the least neglect. This story is an
example of motivation by fear. Where
there is a fear of punishment, we are more likely to do what we are supposed to
do. In the past, the Church often motivated people by emphasizing fear of
punishment; the fear of going to hell, or the fear of languishing for centuries
in purgatory. As a result, people obeyed the law of God. They obeyed the Ten
Commandments, abstained from meat every Friday, went to Confession every
Saturday and Mass every Sunday. They avoided committing mortal sin for fear of
going to hell. Society itself upheld a high moral standard because that was the
way people lived. God commanded it and people obeyed…out of fear… and out of
love for God.
In 1965, Pope Paul VI changed the law that requires
abstinence from meat on Fridays. He lifted
the pain of mortal sin attached to this law, but he did not lift the law itself. Catholics today are still obliged to abstain from meat every
Friday during the year, but now we are obliged
by love. We are no longer obliged by fear. We are obliged by love. Perhaps
it was naive to believe that Catholics would continue this practice out of
love. Many Catholics today do abstain from meat every Friday, but I would guess
that most do not. It is not a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays except during
Lent. Since it is a mortal sin during Lent, most Catholics observe this law.
They do so out of fear. But why do they not do so out of love?

Let me clarify the issue. We can eat meat on Friday as long as we are
doing something else that is penitential. Catholics are obliged to do penance
every Friday. Canon Law specifies that this means abstaining from meat, but
in the United States, we can choose another penitential practice instead,
especially if a person is a vegetarian and already avoids meat. If a woman is
pregnant, she is excused from this law, even during Lent. But recently the
Bishop’s Conference in England ruled that there is no other option anymore for
the people of England. Abstinence from meat is now mandatory every Friday
throughout the year. There has been talk among the US Bishops Conference of
doing the same thing in the United States. This is not a step back because Vatican II never changed the discipline.
The discipline remains in place for the entire world and has always been in
place since the first century (cf. Didache)
But Catholic culture has
changed in practice in this regard. It is nobody’s fault here in this
community. We inherit what is passed down to us. But if we look at the Church’s
teaching, we see that Catholic culture actually has not changed. Perhaps we
just become distant from Catholic culture when we stop practicing it. If there
is no fear, can we respond out of love? The gospel says, ““You shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and
with all your strength.” Was Paul VI naive when he said that we should do it
out of love instead of fear? Did he know that millions of Catholics would not
be willing to continue this out of love?
Now the question before us
is this: Does love motivate us to do
what we are supposed to do? Or must
there be fear in order for us to obey the law of God? When I was growing up
in the late 1970s and 80s, all we were taught was that God loved us. But it was
a vacuous, meaningless love, and frankly I think many of us got tired of
hearing about it. It became boring. It
asked nothing of us in return. That kind of love doesn’t mean much because
there is no sacrifice, no demands, no betrayal, no cross. We had no fear of God
and no fear of consequences for our sins.
If we look at our society
today, it is alarming to see how far things have fallen in the last 50 years.
In many ways, there is complete disregard for the law of God. In the Church, we
see so much dissent from Church teaching, widespread disrespect for the Holy
Eucharist, and overall negligence toward the work of God. Remember the words of
the prophet Jeremiah that Blessed Agnes of Langeac taught: Accursed be he
that doth the work of God with negligence. When we hear it that way, it
puts the fear of God in us.
Maybe both love and fear are necessary to motivate us. This is something for each of us to think about and
pray about. For some God’s love is all they need to be fervent and zealous in
their faith. For others God’s love does not motivate them. What will it take to
get us to heaven? Sr. Angelique said: “If they could but understand how rigorous
are the torments of Purgatory, they would never be guilty of the least
Something for us to think
about and pray about. Let us respond out
of love to the law of God in the way we live our lives, in the way we spend
our money, in the way we vote. Let
us love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our
minds, and with all our strength.
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