Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pray for the Presidential Election

Pray for God's will to be done in the upcoming election!

Michael Voris has been doing a weekly update on how the presidential race is shaping up, from the perspective of the electoral vote. In the latest installment (embedded below, and worth watching) he concludes:

Romney SHOULD win by every measure there is, but we have to consider that as St. Paul says, we are not fighting a temporal war, but a spiritual one – against principalities and powers.

People supporting Obama are not supporting him because of his sterling economic policies; they are supporting him because of his ideological stances – as was made abundantly evident during the Democratic Convention, when one child-murdering supporter and sodomy supporter after another walked up to the podium and hailed this man.

We do not know how this will turn out, but we do know this: IF Obama wins, and the pace of social and cultural destruction quickens – which it most certainly will – none of it will be happening without God in Heaven allowing it.

Obama winning may in fact be His judgment on a wicked and perverse generation…not OUR judgment on who is best to occupy the White House.

This program is from ChurchMilitant.TV

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