Monday, January 23, 2012

Novena to St. Francis de Sales

The feast of St. Francis de Sales occurs this week – on the 24th in the Novus Ordo calendar, and on the 29th in the old calendar. The faithful of the Diocese of El Paso are praying a novena to St. Francis De Sales for the appointment of a new, holy bishop for their diocese.
How even more fitting it is for us in the Diocese of Baker to pray this novena, as St. Francis de Sales is the patron saint of our Diocese!


V. O Blessed Francis de Sales,

R. Who in your mortal life did excel in all virtues, especially in love of God and of neighbor, I earnestly entreat you to take me under your immediate protection, to obtain from God my perfect conversion, and that of all sinners, especially of (the names of persons for whom you wish to pray should be mentioned here).

V. Teach me, O Heavenly Father,

R. To fix my eyes on heaven, that I may generously trample under foot every obstacle that presents itself in my way, and attain that degree of glory which Thou in Thy mercy hold out to me. Obtain also that particular favor for which I now pray. (mention intention)

V. Assist us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, through the merits of St. Francis de Sales.

R. That what our endeavors cannot obtain may be given us by his intercession.

V. Let us pray. O God, who for the salvation of souls, did will that St. Francis de Sales, Thy confessor and bishop, should become all things to all men and women, mercifully grant that we, infused with the gentleness of his charity, guided by his teachings, and sharing in his merits, may obtain eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

One might conclude by praying the prayer for the election of a new bishop:

Lord God, you are our eternal shepherd and guide.
In your mercy grant the Church (of Baker) a shepherd
who will walk in your ways
and whose watchful care will bring us your blessing.
We ask this through Our Lord…

Or in Latin:

Deus, qui pastor aeternus,
gregem tuum assidua custodia gubernas,
eum immensa tua pietate concedas Ecclesiae (Bakeriensis) pastorem,
qui tibi sanctitate placeat,
et vigili nobis sollicitudine prosit. Per Dominum...

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