A homily by Fr. Eric M. Andersen, Sacred Heart-St. Louis
in Gervais, Oregon
March 17th, 2013
Dominica V Quadragesimae, Anno C.

We know that St. Francis
took this mandate from the Lord very seriously. He abandoned all worldly honors
and riches and lived the life of a poor man, but he was rich in all the things
of God. We have a new pope who has taken the name of Francis. We can imagine
God saying to this man: “Francis, go and repair my house which, as you can see,
is falling completely into ruin.” What will this new Pope bring to the Church?
We can only speculate at this point. Most importantly we can pray for him and
for the Church.
In today’s gospel, we see
an allegory for the Church. The Early Church Fathers loved to read the
scriptures allegorically. On the literal level, we learn from today’s gospel
about sin and justice and mercy. On the allegorical level, we see much more.
The woman caught in adultery is an allegory for the Church. The Early Church
Fathers saw the Church as having been in existence from the beginning of
creation. God created her in the beginning, but He did not take the Church as
His spotless bride until He presented it to Himself in the person of Jesus
Christ, the Bridegroom. In today’s gospel we have a betrothal of sorts. The
woman caught in adultery is brought to the feet of our Lord. She represents the
people of the old covenant who had been unfaithful. We know from the Old
Testament books of the Kings, that many kings were unfaithful which led to the
people being unfaithful. The kings of Judah, for instance, were the descendants
of King David. They had married foreign women and worshipped their foreign
pagan gods. They had desecrated the Temple with paganism and had fallen into
idolatry. Holy Scripture equates idolatry with adultery. Idolatry is considered
to be infidelity towards the One God who deserves our worship.
The Church is brought
before the Lord by men who accuse her. She humbles herself and waits for the
verdict. But our Lord has created her for Himself. He does not condemn her, but
rather purifies her and takes her to Himself as His Bride. Jesus always takes
the Church to Himself. Through Him, the Church is always perfect because He is
We, the members of the
Church, are not perfect, but when we unite ourselves to the one Church, the
Father sees only our perfection because He sees us in His Son. By His Son, we
are made to be as perfect in the sight of God. That is something for us all to
remember. The Church finds her identity only in Christ, never apart from Him.
It is the same with us. We find our identity in Christ and nowhere else.
Whatever sins we have committed in life, we are not identified or defined by
our sins. We are defined by Christ as beloved sons and daughters of His
Heavenly Father. Therefore, in Christ, we are reborn, we die and rise with him,
and we become adopted children of the Father. In that way, God sees us through
His perfect Son and we are presented to the Father as perfect.
Does that mean that our work is done? No. Our work is only beginning. Let us Join Pope Francis as he works to rebuild the Church. Every age must continue to rebuild because the Church is always reforming, as the saying goes, “Semper reformanda.” Let us look to the simplicity and joy of St. Francis as we seek to honor the Vicar of Christ on earth, Pope Francis. Let us pray for our new Pope and wait to see what special gifts we will bring to the Church in our day.
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