Kwasniewski notes that
Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican II makes nine proposals
or mandates concerning the reform of the Mass, no more and no less:
that the rites are to be simplified so that duplications or accretions would
taken away;
that the readings from Scripture should be expanded in number and variety;
that the homily be considered an integral part of the liturgy and that it be
better prepared;
that the common prayer, or general intercessions, be reintroduced;
that the vernacular be used for the readings and the general intercessions,
while the priest’s parts as well as the Ordinary remain in Latin;
that the priest distribute to the people hosts consecrated at that Mass, rather
than hosts reserved from another Mass;
that communion under both species be allowed on special, rather rare,
that the Mass is truly made up of two parts, which we now call the Liturgy of
the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and so the people should be taught
to value both parts;
that concelebration be permitted.
That’s it. The concrete reforms
proposed were modest, although that first proposal about “simplification” was rather
vague and became the cause of much controversy later on.
Dr. Kwasniewski asks how, given the limited scope of these
changes, the current situation of the Church emerged – “where, in the name of
reform, adaptation, and inculturation, many of the greatest treasures of our
Catholic Tradition were forgotten or suppressed?” Indeed! Rather than answer
that question, though, he makes a case for the need to allow post-Vatican II
generations to discover the full traditions of the Church. He says:
was born after the Council had already been closed. In my own life I distinctly
remember the excitement, the wonder, of discovering amazing riches in the
tradition of the Church, a treasure that had been seemingly deliberately buried
and hidden: the noble beauty of plainchant, the dignified and resonant sound of
Latin, the shimmering beauty of old vestments, the sprinkling rite (Asperges),
even something as simple as the use of incense at the elevation of the consecrated
gifts. But it was not only this feast of symbolism and beauty that answered to
a burning need for reverence, it was also rediscovering the full social
teaching of the Church, her ascetical and mystical theology, her scholastic
wisdom, her saints and their stories.
Be sure to read the whole
article here.
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